Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 29

Day 29-Your Aspirations
First off, let me say that I can't believe that this challenge is almost over. I am very proud od myself to have blogged almost 30 days straight.
I could sit here all night long and type all sorts of dreams and aspirations out to you all, but I won't bore you with all of that.
One HUGE aspiration of mine is being worked on right now. I can't indulge you on this public blog with specifics, but for those of you that want to know are free to email me. I will give you a hint: there is a clue in the picture above.
The other two things that I REALLY REALLY want in my life is to be a wife again.....but a wife to someone that loves me with all they have inside of them and then to be a mother. I long to know what it's like to carry a child inside of me.
The thought that it may never happen scares me to death.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I honestly understand your feelings about having a child.

I can't imagine NOT carrying my children, but it doesn't mean I would love them any less had I not.

Because I have been able to experience that, I always cry for those who weren't able to. It's really not fair....