Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Camelias Have Taken Over

This Camelia "bush", and I use that term loosely, is taking over. Its so beautiful though, I don't have the heart to do anything to it. I took these pictures TODAY. These flowers are fully bloomed in the middle of November.

This picture is taken from the front porch, the bush is so big that its like you are standing inside the blooms....

All the petals shedding off the bush......its like looking at pink grass, and in my little world, thats great.

Just a glimpse of God's beauty.

The "Bush"....Can't even see the house behind it, and its about 6 feet taller than the house I am guessing.


Gwen said...

What a beautiful bush!!! I love the looks of the "pink grass". So much fun. XOXO

Tracy~ said...

oh my gosh - I LOVE the pink grass! God makes beautiful colors, huh?

You MUST start a photography business asap. You are really talented.

I heart you