Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today has just been plain weird.

I drove down on to our lower yard this morning as I left for work, to get a pink christmas tree out of my storage building. I wasn't thinking about how much it had rained the last few days. I remembered too late. I slipped and slid into the yard and I knew I was screwed. I went ahead and got out of the car to get the tree, I figured I needed it one way or the other. I got back in the car and all I managed to do was dig myself deeper in the ground. Luckily, my mom let me drive her car to work.

I get to our satelite office and dump out a bunch of stuff I was suppose to give to Ashley(my friend that runs that office) and I have this one envelope and I can't figure out why I have it. So instead of calling someone in the main office, I just stick it in my purse and say I will figure it out later. Dumb. Blonde. Moment.

I drive 30 minutes to our main office. Do some paper work. My boss says, did you leave the lease check for the landlord? DUH!?!? Then it hits me what that envelope was for. Good thing I have a boss that doesn't get angry at me.

Side Note:There was also some weird family emergency stuff one of my co-workers was dealing with in the midst of all this.

This afternoon, Carmen(President of the company and my boss) and I go to an Open House at an Assisted Living Facility. Its nice, I really like the Marketing Girl there. We take a tour of the facility with about 6 others. We get on the elevator and head to the second floor. The elevator stalls and jumps. Which freaks. me. out. I could tell by the look on Carmen's face that it freaked her out too. (she is 8 months preggers) I could tell that Marketing Girl was embarassed, I felt bad for her.

We go to see the model room. She opens the door. Apparently she didn't know that the cable guys had been in there working and they didn't know she was having open house. The furniture was moved around. There were cable wires across the floor. The worker's gloves and sweatshirt were slung across that beautiful, perfectly done up, model room bed. Marketing Girl was horrified. I don't blame her. I felt bad for her again.

We took the stairs down.

I start home. There is bumper to bumper traffic on I 385. We slow to a stop. This never happens. I see an overturned logging truck full of logs that looks like they ran off the road and through the guard rail. No one is stopping to help. I get closer. I start to pull over and get out and I hear sirens coming in the distance.

I get home. Ashley's husband comes and hooks a chain up to my car and pulls me out. Thank you, Jesus, for Barry!

I go inside and take off my work clothes, which are business casual. I pick my pants up off the floor from where I stepped out of them in the bathroom.

The entire seat of my pants are ripped, barely hanging by a thread. Who knows how long they were like that.

Today has been weird.

ps...please stay tuned for an upcoming details on an upcoming give away!


Gwen said...

Oh no. What a crazy day!!! I hope your Thanksgiving has been better!! XOXO

Brandi said...

O M GOSH!! Eh yeah um Kathi, baaad day ya had there! LOL

Don't worry, I'm not gonna stop reading your blog, took you too long to start again, Can't ditch you now. : p

Huugs and love you!

Tracy~ said...

I probably would have cried! lol! Hope your Monday is better!

AF Recruiters Wife said...

Crazy day!

I'm your ornament secret santa (not so secret any more...) I looked for you're e-mail address on your blog, but couldnt't find it.

Drop me a line afrecruiterswife (at) gmail (dot) com
