Friday, December 4, 2009


This week has been totally insane. Please excuse my abscense on here.

As most of you know, I am single.....divorced. I am on ONE dating site and I really don't do anything on there. Tonight I got the following email from a user on there.

"i think we can make pretty babies"

Hes 21, I'm 31. If this is the new pick up line these days, I'm not buying.


1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh, yeah. I've heard that one. I went on a vacation with a friend many years ago now to New Orleans and she got that line and from the same guy I got "I could be your boyfriend." And when I said I had a boyfriend? "Why ain't he wit chew?" If you want to hear some bad pickup lines go to the laundry matt! Even when I was enormously pregnant I'd get "damn, mama, you hot." Skeezy yet awesome.