Friday, November 20, 2009


So, I had a sorta date tonight. I say "sorta date" because we were just going to hang out at his house. He had been in Chicago for work all week so he said he just wanted to chill out. Ok, I am down for that.

The "sorta date" lasted 30 minutes. Yes, you read this right ....Thirty. Minutes.

I give up.


Gwen said...

Oh no!!! I must know why he only lasted 30 minutes?

EliLibrarian said...

Oh, that doesn't sound like fun. Let's never ever give up on love, we must believe in the spirit of love and that it will come to us, when the time is right. I've got some stories for you then about my dating life.

Tracy~ said...

I still can't even believe it. BUT, I have an idea that will make us rich... it involves a spreadsheet of names and occupations of the guys and the stories ... I will write a book... using their REAL names :)